Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Our hearts and prayers are with the people of Boston

It amazes me how quickly life can change. Events can often have the greatest affect on individuals, communities and nations. We mourn together all of the victims of this tragedy. It is with a heavy heart that I have read the news this morning, learning of the lives lost due to senseless acts. It is with gratitude that I read of the brave individuals who ran to the aid of the fallen, and gratitude that more lives were not loss. These occurrences often bring up in our memories similar events that have passed in my lifetime, Oklahoma City, Columbine, 9/11, Virginia Tech and Newtown, and this tragedy has no less affect upon my mind at this time.

I now ask that we stand united once again supporting the people of another tragedy which has occurred in our nation. We must unite and stand with the people of Boston, and make sure that they know that our hearts are with them. Let us pray for peace for the families, mourn for the victims, and hope for justice against those who committed this atrocious act of terrorism.

May God truly bless America, for we need it now.