Friday, September 11, 2015

Why I'll Never Forget That Day #NeverForget911

I was a sophomore in high school. I was in English class taking a quiz. Another teacher popped their head in the room and our teacher went to the door. All I heard was "and they've evacuated the white house." I knew something was wrong, but I had never imagined this.

Today marks the 14th anniversary of 9/11/2001, a date which will live in infamy. As I exited my class and entered the cafeteria TV's were tuned to a local station which showed live coverage of the aftermath of two planes crashing into the world trade towers. Shortly after the next period began, I remember my Principal, Jim McCann spoke over the speakers announcing what was known.

During my lunch hour I stared in shock as the first tower fell. I had never been to New York City. I had never seen these towers with my own eyes, but I knew that my country had been attacked in an unforgiving manner. The events of the day proceeded, all flights were grounded and the nation mourned an unknown number of lives that they knew were lost. Early estimates had the number as high as five or six thousand lives lost.

I stared in disbelief for hours as I returned home at news coverage. I was angry I was shocked, and I was in mourning. Over the next few days, weeks and months details emerged of the heroes and the villains of this attack. We learned of the police and firefighters who risked it all just to save one more life. We learned of the many who didn't make it out. The fathers and mothers, the sons and daughters. These innocent victims of a brutal terrorist attack on two symbols of our nation's prosperity.

Years have passed, and each year we are reminded on this day of that terrible attack on our nation's soil. I'll never forget what that day meant, and how I changed. The years have done little to fade my memory. This event has and will continue to shape our history as a nation, and our views on the world. We must not forget that day, or the lessons we have heard.

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