Monday, January 23, 2017

Donald Trump Can't Make America Great Again

By The White House -, Public Domain
The election is over. Donald Trump has been sworn in as the President of the United States of America. Whatever you may think of him, if you are a U.S. citizen he is your president.

There is a hard road ahead of him. Our country faces many problems which will need his action. He will face economic, diplomatic, and military crises through the next four years. He will face opposition from democrats, republicans and the American people. No matter what he does he cannot, however make America great again.

He can help to make the American economy better. He can work to solve problems the American people face on domestic and foreign issues, but he cannot make America great. If we accept the claim that America once was great but it is no longer great, the cause is not economic problems, diplomatic, or dangers that we face from inside or without. We have always faced those problems in one form or another. Economies change, politics change, but if America is not great now and was before the only thing that I can say is that it is that we lack unity.

Why are we not united? Our politics and the media have hit the wedge between the limbs of our tree, but the true wedge that is splitting us in two is a lack of engagement. Our nation has split in two because we are no longer embracing social and civic interaction. We have begun to not trust each other. It is easier to stay at home and watch Netflix than it is to go and attend your city council meetings. Fewer Americans are becoming involved in our society, and so as a whole our society is struggling. When you only hear your own opinions, you are less likely to have them challenged. If what you watch, read and listen to confirms that, you are less likely to change wrong assumptions.

The longer this cycle goes, the more we begin to begin othering. Those "other" people are to blame. Those "left" or "right" wingers, our president, Congress, immigrants, other races, etc, are to blame. We stop seeking solutions that we ourselves can implement and withdraw into our echo chambers.

On the other hand when we are engaged we build stronger communities that can act, creating lasting change that can and will have a positive impact on the communities in which we live. In a book by Dr. Robert Putnam called "Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community," Dr. Putnam sites multiple studies that show that those who are engaged are more likely to be healthier, wealthier, and happier. They are less likely to commit crimes, and have stronger marriages. So not only will you make your communities and country better, but you will become a better person.

Trump cannot solve these problems. He cannot issue an order to make us all attend PTA, City Council or other civic meetings. He cannot make us become involved. So if you want to make America great again, get out of your comfort zone, perform an act of service, join a club, get involved in your cities, your neighborhoods, etc. Listen to someone with a different opinion and try to see things from their viewpoint. Seek to truly build unity by creating bonds across races, religions, genders, and political beliefs. If you truly want to make America great, it starts with you, not Donald Trump.