Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Mainstream Media Control

I read a lot of news articles every day, and I try my best to read articles from across the country and world, from different viewpoints. But until recently I didn't know that really many of these organizations are the same at the core.

Did you know that in 1983 the mainstream media was made up of a collection of more than 50 companies, and that now power and control of our news outlets has been condensed to 6 mega huge corporations — News Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, CBS, and Comcast — who work in conjunction with various political figures to literally decide what news is delivered to the public, and what level of truth is behind that news. They control everything we watch, read, and hear in regards to the news.

The truly terrifying thing about our current reality is that there are so many things wrong with America, with our presidential administration, and our overall standing on the global stage that the media simply isn’t reporting on. This translates to ordinary Americans who are completely unaware of the poor economic health of our country.

While they may be aware that we are still coming out of a recession, the media reports that unemployment is around 7 percent. The truth is that our unemployment is closer to 23 percent according to government shadow statistics.

The 7 percent number makes things not sound as bad right? Well that's because it doesn't include people who have been out of work for more than a year, those in part-time positions who’d prefer full-time jobs and people who are so discouraged that they’ve stopped looking for work. This is the lie that the media is telling you.

So wake up and do your own research! Shake up the world and get involved. Read and observe and most of all get involved in the world around you! The core of American Democracy is civic engagement and it has begun to wither as people have slumped into their chairs and left it up to politicians to decide their fate. In honor of Peter O'Toole I will add this one quote from Lawrence of Arabia "Nothing is written."