Sunday, November 8, 2020

Where do we go from here as a nation?

The 2020 election ended when the last poll closed on November 3rd 2020. Over the coming days final vote tallies will be finalized, some states will have recounts and we will see the end of the process of our 2020 election. There is little doubt in my mind that there will be any change to the current result of a Biden victory in the presidential election. So the question remains, where do we go from here? 

We have seen 20 of the most divisive years in modern American history. Our nation has deep wounds that need to be healed. Divisions that have deepened as tribalism and partisanship has encircled this nation. We must find a way to learn from what has happened and move forward together. So much needs to be accomplished, and the way we have spent most of the last two decades cannot be how we spend the next decade. 

For my whole adult life I have been a registered Republican. Me not supporting Trump has not been a surprise to any. I think there's this misconception among Trump supporters that the reason people opposed him was because their person lost. I didn't vote for Clinton or Trump in 2016. I had no misconceptions that who I voted for would not be in office in 2017. I opposed Trump's leadership in office for nearly 4 years because much of what he pushed for I do not agree with and because of the way he has led for the last 4 years. I opposed him in the same way I opposed Obama for the 8 years prior to that. I praised both for the good things, and opposed the things I didn't agree with. Yes, I have personal feelings that absolutely make me biased against Trump. I'm human, we all have biases. I also listened and tried to understand what those who followed him were upset about and what they were seeking for. Many have felt attacked for much of the last 12 years, including their faith, their views of America, and their political ideology.

There's also a misconception among democrats that Trump supporters are by and far ignorant racists. That they hate people of color and a bigots, etc. From what I've seen that simply isn't true. Those who support him often are people who have shown great kindness in their daily lives to everyone. They supported Trump for many reasons and it would be good for us to listen and understand those reasons if we are ever to move forward as a nation.

There are good people in both parties. What we really need to stop doing is labeling other people and start listening more. I am committing that I will try to do that more to listen and reflect more, and I hope over the coming years we all will. If we ever want to reunite as a country we need to spend more time listening to others, especially those we disagree with. We don't have to agree on everything, but we should strive to find a middle ground where we can move forward together. I hope this change will happen in Washington and in our own homes. May God Bless America.